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2nd China-ASEAN Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

Source: Science and Technology Daily | 2024-06-03 12:42:07 | Author: Staff Reporters

By Staff Reporters

The group photo at the conference site. (COURTESY PHOTO)

The finals of the second China-ASEAN Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition were held in Jakarta, Indonesia, on May 15. Themed on “digital empowerment for a shared future”, the competition focused on digital economy, with universities, scientific research institutions, enterprises and other social groups from China and the ASEAN countries taking part. Since its launch in July 2023, more than 280 projects have been submitted.

The competition is hosted by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China and the ASEAN Secretariat. It aims to promote science and technology innovation exchange and cooperation between China and ASEAN countries and enhance their regional innovation capabilities.

Editor: 龍云

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2nd China-ASEAN Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

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