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Deepening Comprehensive Reform, Advancing Sci-tech Modernization

Source: Science and Technology Daily | 2024-07-22 10:33:57 | Author:

The Tianjin Port. (PHOTO: XINHUA)

Only reformers can advance, only innovators can thrive, and only those who reform and innovate will prevail. The field of science and technology is the most in need of continuous reform. From the third plenary session of the 18th Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee in 2013 to the just concluded third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, the comprehensive reform of sci-tech innovation systems and mechanisms has been continuously deepened, writing a new chapter in advancing sci-tech modernization.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, has personally planned, deployed, and promoted the deepening of comprehensive reform, pointing the direction and providing fundamental guidance for Chinese modernization.

China's structural scientific and technological reform has made strides across the board, achieved breakthroughs in many areas, and achieved further progress in the reform of sci-tech systems, translating country's institutional strengths into competition advantages in science and technology, advancing sci-tech self-reliance and strength, and prompting historic achievements and historic shifts in the cause of sci-tech field.

Significant achievements have been made, such as the reprogramming of human cells induced by chemical small molecules, domestically-developed C919 passenger jet going into commercial operation, high-speed rail technology setting international benchmarks, Chang'e lunar missions, Tiangong space station, and Tianwen-1 Mars probe. All these have laid a solid foundation for building a strong country in science and technology, and accelerating the process of sci-tech modernization.

Nowadays, profound changes unseen in a century are evolving rapidly in the world. As the new round of sci-tech revolution and industrial transformation deepens, our capability for original innovation remains relatively weak, some core technologies in key fields are controlled by others, and we lack top scientific talent. These issues should be tackled urgently. To achieve sci-tech modernization and build China into a strong nation in science and technology, higher requirements have been put forward for the structural scientific and technological reform.

Leadership by the CPC is the most fundamental political guarantee for the continuous progress of sci-tech innovation with Chinese characteristics. To deepen the reform of science and technology, we must unswervingly uphold the overall leadership of the Party, boldly address the most difficult problems, tear down barriers erected by mind, and remove institutional obstacles in all areas, so as to ensure that the development of science and technology is always in the right direction.

To advance sci-tech modernization through deepening comprehensive reform, we should strengthen systems thinking. Faced with deep-seated institutional challenges and structural issues, reform in only one area or at one level can hardly be successful. Thus, we must enhance overall planning and top-level design, and take a whole-of-nation approach. Efforts should be made to accelerate the improvement of a new system for mobilizing the resources nationwide, turning the institutional advantages of concentrating resources on major projects into new momentum for innovation and development.

Coordination between the central and local governments should be strengthened, and the layout of regional sci-tech innovation should be improved, so as to build innovation hubs with global influence.

We should promote better interplay between an efficient market and a well-functioning government, closely integrate the country's vast market advantages with its major national strategic needs, stimulate the vitality of various innovation entities, and strengthen the coordination of innovation resources and the organization of strengths. This will facilitate the smooth flow of advanced and high-quality production factors towards the development of new quality productive forces.

To advance sci-tech modernization through deepening comprehensive reform, we should take a problem-oriented approach. Problems are the starting point of innovation, and reform is carried forward through solving problems.

Efforts should be focused on the reform goals while addressing issues directly for targeted improvements. The pain points of inadequate quality and insufficient number of high-level talent in key areas must be addressed, the difficulties in cultivating interdisciplinary innovative talent overcome and the sticking points in the deep integration of industries, universities, and research institutes removed. A virtuous circle of integrated development of education, science and technology, and talent should be fostered.

Efforts should be made to improve the laws and regulations for the R&D and application of new technologies, and optimize a free and fair market environment with incentives for innovation, so as to create a favorable environment for the development of new quality productive forces.

To advance sci-tech modernization through deepening comprehensive reform, we should firmly adhere to a people-centered development philosophy. Reform is for the people and by the people, and its fruits are shared among the people. Sci-tech workers are direct participants of reform. The governance mechanism of sci-tech innovation should be improved to invigorate the innovation vitality of more outstanding talent.

It is essential to set new standards instead of recognizing talent only according to their thesis, titles, education background and prizes to speed up improving categorized assessment and evaluation mechanisms in line with the way science and research activities should be organized.

It is imperative to improve incentive systems such as sci-tech awards, income distribution, and proprietorship of achievements so that more outstanding talents receive fair rewards.

 Efforts should be made to continuously rectify the practice of indiscriminately awarding titles and certifications so that researchers can focus on their research without distractions.

Efforts should also be made to improve the sci-tech management system, advance the reform of mechanisms for the allocation, management and use of government research funds, and give greater autonomy to research institutes and researchers, so as to uplift the efficiency and effectiveness of investment in sci-tech innovation.

Innovation determines the future, while reform is critical to the prospects of a nation. Let us rally closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, and promote the spirit of perseverance to deepen comprehensive reform in the sci-tech sector in order to give a strong momentum to building a strong country in science and technology, and make a greater contribution to advancing Chinese modernization.

Editor: 李林旭

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